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(中英字幕)新冠疫苗必看,中文醫學片最詳細分析:牛津疫苗保護能力高嗎?有危險的副作用?First peer-reviewed report of Oxford COVID vaccine
(中英字幕)疫苗常見副作用合集; 打疫苗前必看 Common side effects of COVID vaccines; must watch before getting the jab
(中英字幕)新疫苗可能影響健康? 這種傳統疫苗適合你嗎?Worried about novel COVID vaccines?Get this traditional vaccine instead!
(中英字幕)疫苗保護效果究竟有多長?how long will the protection of COVID vaccines last?
(中英字幕)疫苗懶人包下集:曾經感染過新冠肺炎的人應否打疫苗? 有過敏病史,應否打新冠肺炎疫苗?打疫苗前後可否服用退燒藥減低不適?何時才可達到群體免疫?有癌症或免疫系統疾病應否打新冠疫苗?
(中英字幕)疫苗只能預防病徵不能預防感染? 所以不要打?Covid vaccine won't prevent infection so don't get it? Wrong!
(中/英字幕)牛津疫苗測試緊急叫停,出了什麼大事?脊髓炎可怕嗎?疫苗會否推出無望?COVID vaccine causes transverse myelitis?(冠肺64)
(中英字幕)後疫情時代保命要訣分享;英國極速批核輝瑞疫苗;新冠狀病毒氣數已盡?Survival tips in post-COVID era; UK to start vaccination NOW
(中英字幕)新冠疫苗問答(上集):英國病毒變種疫苗會失效?孕婦應否打疫苗?注射疫苗後可以不戴口罩?COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 1
FOCUS/牛津疫苗免疫反應佳! 副作用頭痛.發燒「9月產1百萬劑」
(中英字幕)有食物/藥物敏感可否注射新冠狀疫苗? 嚴重過敏反應的元兇是什麼?Should you have COVID vaccine if you have food/drug allergies?
(中英字幕)注射新冠疫苗後不久便死亡的人不少?疫苗真是那麼危險嗎?Many died soon after vaccination; are COVID vaccines safe?